• 2
    Grade 2 Standards
Top Mathematicians
  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking
    • 2.OA.1.1
      Represent, create, describe, complete, and extend growing and shrinking patterns with quantity and numbers in a variety of real-world and mathematical contexts.
    • 2.OA.1.2
      Represent and describe repeating patterns involving shapes in a variety of contexts.
    • 2.OA.2.1
      Use objects and number lines to represent number sentences.
    • 2.OA.2.2
      Generate real-world situations to represent number sentences and vice versa.
    • 2.OA.2.3
      Apply commutative and identity properties and number sense to find values for unknowns that make number sentences involving addition and subtraction true or false.
  • Data & Probability
  • Number & Operations
    • 2.N.1.1
      Read, write, discuss, and represent whole numbers up to 1,000. Representations may include numerals, words, pictures, tally marks, number lines and manipulatives.
    • 2.N.1.2
      Use knowledge of number relationships to locate the position of a given whole number on an open number line up to 100.
    • 2.N.1.3
      Use place value to describe whole numbers between 10 and 1,000 in terms of hundreds, tens and ones. Know that 100 is 10 tens, and 1,000 is 10 hundreds.
    • 2.N.1.4
      Find 10 more or 10 less than a given three-digit number. Find 100 more or 100 less than a given three-digit number
    • 2.N.1.5
      Recognize when to round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.
    • 2.N.1.6
      Use place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 1,000 using comparative language, numbers, and symbols (e.g., 425 > 276, 73 < 107, page 351 comes after page 350, 753 is between 700 and 800).
    • 2.N.2.1
      Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts up to 20.
    • 2.N.2.2
      Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts up to 20.
    • 2.N.2.3
      Estimate sums and differences up to 100.
    • 2.N.2.4
      Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and equality to add and subtract two-digit numbers
    • 2.N.2.5
      Solve real-world and mathematical addition and subtraction problems involving whole numbers up to 2 digits.
    • 2.N.2.6
      Use concrete models and structured arrangements, such as repeated addition, arrays and ten frames to develop understanding of multiplication.
    • 2.N.3.1
      Identify the parts of a set and area that represent fractions for halves, thirds, and fourths.
    • 2.N.3.2
      Construct equal-sized portions through fair sharing including length, set, and area models for halves, thirds, and fourths.
    • 2.N.4.1
      Determine the value of a collection(s) of coins up to one dollar using the cent symbol.
    • 2.N.4.2
      Use a combination of coins to represent a given amount of money up to one dollar
  • Geometry & Measurement
    • 2.GM.1.1
      Recognize trapezoids and hexagons.
    • 2.GM.1.2
      Describe, compare, and classify two-dimensional figures according to their geometric attributes.
    • 2.GM.1.3
      Compose two-dimensional shapes using triangles, squares, hexagons, trapezoids, and rhombi.
    • 2.GM.1.4
      Recognize right angles and classify angles as smaller or larger than a right angle.
    • 2.GM.2.1
      Explain the relationship between the size of the unit of measurement and the number of units needed to measure the length of an object.
    • 2.GM.2.2
      Explain the relationship between length and the numbers on a ruler by using a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest whole unit.
    • 2.GM.2.3
      Explore how varying shapes and styles of containers can have the same capacity.
    • 2.GM.3.1
      Read and write time to the quarter-hour on an analog and digital clock. Distinguish between a.m. and p.m.